Monday, 4 May 2009


Wolverine as a late 70s punk

Columbo from the B3ta draw off

and two pics for the Positive police poster campaign


Metcountymounty said...

I love your stuff! I was pointed to your site by Sierra Charlie after the Police b3ta draw-off, absolutely cracking, I've put a link up on mine. The Roy Batty pic on the blade runner post is superb, how much would you charge for printable size files or would you prefer an email direct?

Bertie Humbug's Ranto-O-Matic said...

Respect to you for sticking up for the Polis!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pics,not only very good but you stuck up for us, I keep a copy in my locker to remind me of why I do this and that not everyone hates us.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pics,not only very good but you stuck up for us, I keep a copy in my locker to remind me of why I do this and that not everyone hates us.